Elizabeth Sheffler 1813

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Elizabeth Sheffler 22 March 1813

There was an Elizabeth Scheibeler who was born in 1812 and who was later identified as "Sheffler" too. Scheibeler, Shiveler, Schaeffler, etc., were all apparently pronounced much the same.

Phil Knox at http://home.earthlink.net/~pknox/ provided lookups for me on all of the baptisms for George Sheffler's children, as he also is researching the Scheibler/Scheibeler family living practically next door the the Schaeffler/Sheffler family of my line. He and I eventually determined that the Elizabeth "Sheffler" in his line is actually the Elizabeth Scheibeler born 25 Feb 1812, a year before "my" Elizabeth.

Robert Best has done a lot of research on the line of Elizabeth Sheffler and John Heil. His Rootsweb information was the basis of almost everything I have on Elizabeth Sheffler's descendancy.
His Rootsweb data is here. He is at noahs-ark@prodigy.net


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